In the Key of Elsewhere
Your portfolio? A coral reef in reverse:
each dividend a polyp’s skeleton, each hedge
a sea anemone’s retracted vow. We parse the wind
for ticker-tape confessions, but the wind speaks
in mycorrhizal verbs — splice, symbiosis —
its grammar, a lung borrowed from ferns.
The last billionaire kneels in a wheat field,
plucking his teeth to plant monoculture regrets.
His Rolex sprouts chickweed. His tie inflates
into a dirigible of creditor moths.
Collateral is what we name the dew now,
each drop a liquid covenant with rot.
We’ve rewired the sirens. They ululate
in dog-whistle octaves only rust understands.
Our debts? Recycled as nesting material —
starlings line their nests with shredded bonds,
hatchlings pecking at the watermark’s aftertaste.
The grid’s a carcass we’re gutting for ribs
to build a bridge to nowhere useful.
Its pylons hum with the work songs of extinct
electricians, their blueprints eaten by silverfish
who shit out constellations.
Profit is a dead tongue. We speak in
spore, in hypha, in rhizome. Our central bank
is a rogue beehive auditing the sun.
Inflation? A dandelion head’s calculus,
each seed a parachute with no landing party.
The apocalypse came. We mistook it
for a town hall meeting. Agenda:
How to unstitch the sky from its NASDAQ dye,
how to teach fire to digest derivatives.
Minutes are kept in the rings of irradiated oaks.
And you, capitalist catechism, your liturgy
of more — we’ve buried you in a midden
of obsolete pronouns. Your resurrection?
A mold bloom on the tombstone’s barcode,
a wet click in the throat of the fox
gnawing the last HDMI cable to spark.
We are the aftermath’s grammar, the wound
that scabs over with blackberries.
Not survivors — symbionts. Our anthem:
the static between radio stations,
the glottal stop of a power grid’s final breath.
Nothing collapses. Everything translocates.
Ask the nematodes. Ask the rust.